Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College, Amravati, is recognized by the erstwhile Medical Council of India and presently National Medical Commission & is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The hospital equipment, clinical teaching-learning and laboratories facilities are adequate and as stipulated by the regulatory body (NMC).
It is a 830 bedded hospital. There are 26 wards, OPD complex, fully equipped ICCU, MICU, SICU, PICU, NICU, GICU, RICU & Casualty ICU.
We have 17 advanced functional Major Operation Theatres, with laminar air flow. Minor OTs are housed in the main OT complex and OPD complex.
The hospital is well equipped with state- of- art equipment and instruments. The measuring instruments are calibrated on a yearly basis (if not stated otherwise by the regulatory and /or accreditation body) through an authorized agency. The maintenance department is entrusted with the responsibility of preventive and corrective maintenance through AMC/ CMC.